Writing Samples

Image result for cim magazine logo   A Staged Start-up  The journey to a successful start-up by two entrepreneurs tinkering in their garage was nominated for a National Magazine Award for Best Profile of a Company in 2019



WGM: Around the Worldin 50 Years–  A history of globetrotting geological consulting firm Watts, Griffis & McOuat nominated for Best Profile of a Company at Canada’s Kenneth R. Wilson awards.


The Bruce at 50 – An epic end-to-end adventure along the 895 km Bruce Trail to celebrate its 50th anniversary


Showing Off at Exhibition Place –  Toronto’s Exhibition Place strives for energy self-sufficiency with renewable energy options including wind, geothermal, solar and green roofing.



The Loneliness of a Marathoner’s Wife



Shawn Ryan: Striking Gold in the Yukon – A former mushroom picker acts on a hunch and finds millions of ounces of gold in the bedrock of the Yukon.



The Race to Lead a Battery-propelled Future – Several companies are vying to become leaders in the development of electric cars. 


How to Value a Mineral Property