Virginia presents at a PWAC Toronto panel on niche writing

With her background in exploration geology and a solid grounding in securities, Virginia can decipher the language of geoscientists and investors alike to provide compelling articles about the science and business of mineral exploration & mining.

Her postgraduate education in environmental science gives her a unique understanding of the risks and benefits of resource extraction and the science behind CSR initiatives.

Virginia provides a range of writing services to magazines, government, and corporate clients including:

  • articles
  • blog posts
  • company & personal profiles
  • press releases
  • substantive editing

Virginia is also an avid hiker, hockey player and XC skier and sometimes writes about her experiences on the trails and rinks.



Client: International Council on Metals and the Environment (ICME)

Job: Edited Case Studies on Tailings Management, a report prepared by technical experts from around the world to illustrate approaches used in managing the risks of tailings containment systems.

Client: Ontario’s Investment Office

Job: “Success” stories of companies working in Ontario, from a junior explorer in Sudbury to a mining equipment design firm that landed a contract with the Canadian Space Agency.

Client: Mergermarket US

Job: Comprehensive report on the state of global mining mergers & acquisitions in 2017

Client: Prospectors & Developers Association of Canada (PDAC)

Job: Write annual profiles of 2018 PDAC award winners


    • Canadian Mining Hall of Fame
    • Financial Times Energy
    • Epiroc
    • Firmex
    • Geosoft
    • Health Canada
    • International Council on Metals and the Environment
    • Mergermarket US
    • Mining Family Matters (Adelaide)
    • Ontario Investment Office
    • Ontario Mining Association
    • PricewaterhouseCoopers
    • Prospectors and Developers Association of Canada (PDAC)
    • The Nickel Institute

Books & Reports

Ring of Fire: High Stakes Mining in a Lowlands Wilderness

by Virginia Heffernan

“a signal contribution to an important public policy debate … and great fun to read into the bargain.” — Ken McGoogan, award-winning Canadian author

ViolaFrom the Ground Up: An Autobiography

by Viola MacMillan, Afterword by Virginia Heffernan

“a fascinating account of MacMillan’s exceptional life… (Heffernan’s) Afterword is a valuable addition to the autobiography because it provides both closure and context to matters that MacMillan found too painful to examine or discuss in detail,” The Northern Miner

“I found your Afterword incredible reading for its eloquence in capturing the times and character of Viola MacMillan. It’s the best synopsis on the Windfall episode we’ve found.” Paul Smith, descendent of Timmins area landowner.

FinancialTimes1Worldwide Mineral Exploration: Preparing for the next boom

by Virginia Heffernan, published by Financial Times Energy 146pp US$175
Read the Executive Summary and Table of Contents

“an excellent report,” J. David Lowell, world-renowned geologist, in Engineering & Mining Journal, November 2001

“What’s happening (in the mining industry) bears out the predictions made in this Financial Times special report,” Brendan Ryan in South Africa’s Financial Mail, August 1999

FinancialTimes2Growth Strategies for the mining industry: acquisition or exploration?

by Virginia Heffernan, published by Financial Times Energy
131pp US$175
Read the Executive Summary and Table of Contents

“a well-researched, clearly written treasure trove of information about how companies grow and why some go bust,” The Northern Miner, June 18, 2000

TailingsCase Studies on Tailings Management

International Council on Metals and the Environment, edited by Virginia Heffernan

Case Studies on Tailings Management was prepared by technical experts from around the world to illustrate approaches used in managing the risks of tailings containment systems. Virginia edited each of the 21 case studies and compiled a glossary for the publication.

Periodical Credits

Virginia’s work appears in several trade, business and consumer publications, including:

      • Canadian Consulting Engineer
      • Canadian Mining Journal
      • CIM Magazine
      • Diamonds in Canada
      • Earth Explorer
      • Engineering & Mining Journal
      • Explore
      • Financial Post
      • Investment Executive
      • Literary Review of Canada
      • Macleans
      • MinerAndina Comunicaciones (Lima)
      • Mining Markets
      • National Post
      • Nickel (Brussels)
      • Nunatsiaq News
      • The Globe and Mail
      • The Northern Miner